Monday 5 September 2011

2 weeks to go....!!

2 weeks to go! Eeek! This time in 2 weeks we will be in Heathrow waiting for our round the world flights! The past week has been a very stressful one. The flat is a mess , the builders are in and out ripping up the floor and there is still so much to do. We made a good dint in it yesterday by taking a load of Jemma’s stuff to Big yellow storage and I got my MOT done whilst we were there.
We rewarded ourselves at the end of the day with a buffet at my favourite restaurant in Cardiff – Cosmo. I had 5 plates, a desert and then went back for a 6th plate of chips. Not great for the bikini figure, so crash dieting will have to commence henceforth. Also had an amazing last night out in Cardiff on Friday with people from work. 3 days left in work now and then its on to Manchester!

A perfect blend of Asian cuisines

All my stuff ready to be packed



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