Friday 12 August 2011


With just over a month to go until we set off on our round the world adventure, I am starting to get very excited. I have dreamt of backpacking round the world for as long as I can remember and I have finally committed to doing it. We have booked our tickets, had our injections (including Japanese encephalitis for £160 - ouch!), read some guide books, booked our bus ticket (hop on hop off) for New Zealand,  handed in our notice at work... all that's left to do now is board the plane.. well, not exactly. First we have to clear and clean the flat and pack up all our stuff, something that will have to be done sooner than anticipated due to an unexpected sewage leak under the floor boards. After we have done all of this, we can relax and enjoy our final days in Cardiff, before heading off to Manchester for one week at home with friends and family.

With Ross, best friend for the past 3 years in Cardiff

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