Tuesday 27 September 2011

Puerto Iguazú (Argentinian side)

Yesterday we spent the whole day at the falls on the Argentinian side which was even more stunning than the Brazilian. The hostel took us in a bus over the border and it was a really good day! We went on a boat that took us right under the falls which was fantastic. We got drenched but it was so hot we only took a few hours to completely dry off again. Today we are just chilling out   in the sun before catching a 16 hour coach to Florianopolis on the coast of Brazil.

More photos here: Iguazu photos


  1. WoW! Those waterfalls are AMAZING! It looks like you're stood on top of one...

  2. :) glad you worked out how to comment! :) i know - the most breathtaking sight of my life!
