Thursday 29 September 2011


After an 18 hour coach journey, avoiding a crashed tanker and being subjected to a police drugs raid at 2am, we finally arrived in Florianópolis. We then had to catch two local buses in the heat, got lost, and finally found our hostel. Florianopolis was recommended to us by Jemma's brother and we more or less came here based on this recommendation, plus the fact that Jemma liked the Greek sounding name and we needed to break up our journey to Uruguay. So far, I wouldnt say i'm too taken. Maybe its because its a beach town and I'm not really a beach person (I lived on a beach for 3 months and only went in the sea about 3 times) or maybe its due to all the mad barking dogs that roam the streets. Don't get me wrong, its OK, plus we are in a really nice hostel which we have all to ourselves - we have a 9 bed dorm all to ourselves and its really clean with friendly owners. Plus they have wifi, so as sad as it sounds, we had a quiet night last night watching X factor on youtube. I don't miss the UK AT ALL (apart from my family and friends) but I do like to see who's gone through to the judges houses. Tonight we are treating ourselves to a meal out, because it actually doesn't cost that much more than cooking for ourselves. Brazil is an expensive country in relation to its Latin American neighbours. I am so looking forward to getting into the Spanish speaking areas where I will actually be able to understand what everyone is saying!

Our 9 bed dorm that we had all to ourselves


  1. I have just realised that I had disabled the commenting on this blog. Now anyone should be able to comment - so feel free to comment away!

  2. Lol I did try and comment a few times but it wouldnt let me type anything ;)
