Saturday 24 September 2011

24 hour bus journey from Rio to Foz do Iguaçu

We have just arrived at Iguazu Falls after a 24 hour bus journey. I think I underestimated the actual amount of travelling involved in travelling! Brazil is huge and it's been annoying not being able to communicate properly - I have just been using a mixture of Spanish and English to get by. We caught the bus from Rio bus station yesterday at 1.30 and arrived here today at 1.30. The seats on the bus are actually quite comfy but the air-conditioning is intense and the bus smelt of the Paris underground. Also, all Brazilians seem to eat is ham and cheese which means we have been having cheese pasties for breakfast, dinner and tea - not the healthiest start to the trip. On our way here we stopped briefly in Sao Paulo. It took more than 2 hours to drive through the whole city - it is without a doubt the biggest city I have ever come across in my life. Anyway, we are now in a lovely chilled hostel and Jemma is relaxing by the pool as I type, with Bob Marley playing in the background. Tomorrow we are going to visit the Brazilian side of the falls.

p.s Jemma wanted me to add - the population of the Favela we visited yesterday is the same as the whole of Cardiff!

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