Wednesday 18 January 2012

Working our way back up to Auckland - Taupo

After Wellington, everywhere we were going to go would be somewhere we'd been before because the bus goes back up North along the same route. However, this was good as we had left some activities to do in these places because we knew we would be coming back.
The night before we left Wellington, the driver (our old friend Buzz, who we had for our first ever bus and really didn't like), came into the social area of the hostel and offered to take everyone up to the top of the mountain in Wellington (Mt. Victoria) to get a view over Wellington at night. That was really nice of him actually. I was ready for bed at this point, but quickly slipped on a fleece and up we went to the top of this mountain at 11pm. We had some nice new people on the bus, including two gay guys from Liverpool, one of which was wearing a goats fur vest (who takes a goats fur vest round the world with them??). Anyway, they were also in our dorm and we really got on with them. It was cool to see Wellington at night but it was very chilly as I only had my pyjamas on under my fleece. On the way back to the hostel, Buzz decided to drive us all through the tunnel under the mountain, which is extremely narrow (our bus only just squoze through) and then he tried to scare us all by turning all the lights off and nearly drove into the tunnel wall. It was scarier than some of the buses in South America. When we got out the tunnel, there was another bus about to enter from the opposite direction. If we had been in that tunnel a few seconds later with the lights off, it would have been a head on collision.

The next day we set off to Taupo and on the way we stopped at a kiwi sanctuary where we finally saw real life kiwis! There was even a lesser-spotted white one and a kiwi chick. Jemma accidentally left her flash on when the sign said not to so she got quite a good photo. After this, we continued onto Taupo where we returned to the hostel we stayed in at Christmas. I didn't enjoy the hostel at Chirstmas, but we were looking forward to going back there as Jemma's mum had sent a Christmas parcel for us that had finally arrived and the manager had found me on facebook to tell me it was there – with 40 stamps on it! We had a fantastic night unwrapping all of the treats inside, including tesco own brand chocolate! (My favourite!) and Heinz beans! Also in the box, were mince pies, which made Jemma very popular with the man behind the bar as they were his favourite food. We rang Jemma's mum on Skype to say thanks (thanks Barbara!) and then I ate two bars of chocolate before I went to bed and couldn't sleep that night at all (due to sugar overload?). It was better than actual Christmas day in Taupo.  

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