Sunday 1 January 2012

Taupo for Christmas

The merry gravy chuggers 
I've not written in a while because its been a busy 2 weeks and we haven't had internet so there is quite a lot to catch up on. Christmas day came and went, and I was actually glad to see the back of it. It didn't feel like Christmas at all, I really didn't like the hostel and I had a headache non stop for 4 days. For me, Christmas is about family and relaxing, but in Urban Retreat hostel, it was about 24 hour drinking, wet t-shirt games and gravy-chugging contests. We had a Christmas dinner, which wasn't too bad, but the rowdy English lads and half naked Swedish girls barged in front of us in the queue (which was about 50 people long) so we unfortunately got no parsnips or sweet potato with our dinner. The weather was nice (for New Zealand). When I say nice, the sky is very blue and the sun is shining but its not warm. New Zealand is surprisingly cold in summer – certainly not warm enough for shorts and T shirts, but the locals seem to ignore this and walk around in shorts and barefoot anyway. The best thing about Christmas for me was watching the sunset over the lake and imagining that it would soon be rising in the UK. What a relief it was to move onto boxing day and away from the Urban retreat hostel.

Photos: North Island photos

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