Tuesday 10 January 2012


View over Queenstown

It was really nice to chill out in Queenstown, the party capital of New Zealand for a few days because its not often that we stop more than one day in a place on this whistle stop tour. We checked into our hostel, Nomads, which was just like the one in Wellington – a big, clean, modern hostel with everything you need. We got some bottom bunks and then chilled out for a while before catching the free dinner at 6pm (Thai green curry!). After dinner, we went for a walk to watch the sunset with Yoshi and a Korean girl we met on the bus and after this we went to a nice quiet bar for a glass of wine for my pre-birthday celebrations; it was lovely.

The next day was my birthday and it was an excellent day. I had a lie in until 11 (first lie in in so long) and then Jemma gave me some surprise presents! The night before she had bought me two chocolate bars from the supermarket and told me those were my present and I honestly believed her! However, I had a card, two big chocolate bars, a lonely planet book for Australia, a notebook/diary, and a Margaret Thatcher book! Lol. She had bought it all in Wellington when I was lost. After the presents, I had 2 bowls of cocopops and then we decided to go up to the top of the mountain next to the lake to get a view over the city, with Jemma intending to do the luge at the top. It was too expensive to take the cable car up so we walked up the mountain which took about an hour and was very scenic (through a forest). Mountains are nothing after Huayna picchu and I even ran up some bits to burn some calories before my birthday banquet. It was a lovely sunny day and half way up we saw some people ziplining through the trees. When we got to the top the views were spectacular; you could see the whole of Queenstown, with the lakes and the mountains. You could also see people doing bungy jumps off the edge of the observatory. We looked at the luge (a little bobsleigh track at the top of the mountain) but it looked far too expensive for what it was, so Jemma had a pie and then we went back down the mountain by cable car. We went back to the hostel to have showers and then we went for tea at Fergburger – one of the places it is recommended you visit whilst in Queenstown. The burgers were huge and you got a lovely big portion of chips. After this, we went to buy some alcohol from the supermarket and then went back to the hostel to get ready. In Nomads, you are allowed to drink in the common area until 9pm so we went down there with our box of wine and beers and some of our friends came to join us (Yoshi, two German girls we had met and a Malaysian girl). The others brought snacks and we drank as much as we could before 9 and then headed out into town on a pubcrawl where we met a bunch of Aussies who we hung about with for the rest of the night.

 Yoshi and the Malaysian girl (Xena) gave me a card they had made and half way through the night, when Yoshi was really drunk, she produced a hat from her bag and gave it to me. This was special because a) Yoshi had bought this hat (with a kiwi on) in the North Island then had left it in the hostel in Wellington by accident. I found it and kept it for her thinking I would give it her back in Japan when we went. I got quite attached to it and started wearing it every day. Then, we bumped into her again a week or so later and I gave it her back and she was so happy. Then on my birthday night out, in the club, she produced it from her hand bag saying 'I asked the hat and it chose you. It wants you' Lol. I think something got a bit lost in translation – either that or she's been reading too much Harry Potter. She was very drunk at this stage and me and Jemma wonder whether she actually wanted to give me that hat or gave it to me by accident when she was drunk. After clubbing, we went and got a McDonald's and then went back to the hostel where Yoshi begrudgingly took off her fake eyelashes off for us to see what she looks like without them. Apparently she never takes them off, not even to sleep and said she was only doing it as a birthday present to me.

The next day we slept in late and then bought 24 hour internet which is such a luxury I can't tell you. For £4 you can surf the net as much as you like, which is such an exaggerated pleasure when you're used to having no internet at all. The only problem is, we only have one netbook and so have to share it in shifts. We finally emerged from the room at 3pm and went to get a pizza. I hat pizza, chips and beans with a coke and it was perfect. It was to be my last chips of the year (I have given up chips for the age of 26 :( ).

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