Saturday 5 November 2011

Tupiza day 2 (Bolivia)

On our second day in Tupiza we got up quite early to do the dreaded horse ride. It was not the most enjoyable experience of my life but at least neither of us died. We went together with a Dutch girl, led by a local 'guide' who looked about 15. Needless to say we did not have helmets, or for that matter, any instruction on how to ride the horses. Mine was a naughty one who kept running off up hills and then jumping back down. I was very lucky not to fall off. Also, the stirrups didnt fit very well so I had very sore legs by the end. However, we did see some stunning scenery, like the kind you see in cowboy films. After the ride we went back to the hostel to do some washing and Jemma had some bad news and had to ring her mum on a pay phone (the only pay phone in the town). That night we met the people we were due to go on the salt flats tour with and went for dinner with them and an Irish boy from our hostel. We paid an average of about £1.70 each for our meals – which for me was a plate of chips, meat, salad and 2 litres of coke!

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