Monday 21 November 2011


We caught an early morning bus from Puno to Cusco that took about 8 hours. It wasn't too bad a journey: we watched the Kings Speech on the way to keep us entertained. We got to Cusco about 4pm and took a taxi straight to a hostel that had been recommended to us by a Danish girl in Lake Titicaca: Pariwana. We have now been in Cusco two days and have had a lovely time so far. Last night we went to the bar in the hostel at 5pm and met 2 guys from London - we ended up staying in the bar talking to them until midnight! Then we went to bed in our 20 bed dorm and the beds were the comfiest I have ever slept in. The only problem was that one boy decided to wake everyone up at 8am by turning on all of the lights and packing his rucksack. I'll get him back tomorrow when we get up at 6.
Today we wandered around the city looking for somewhere to book our Inca jungle trail (the trail to Machu Picchu). The Danish girl on Lake Titicaca had told us there was an excellent travel agents with a white bike outside where they did the best deals and the best tours. The two guys from London who we had met the night before said they were doing the tour the next day too and we should go with them, but when we checked out the prices, there turned out to be a £100 difference, so we booked with the company the Danish girl recommended. We both decided months ago against doing the real Inca trail. It is meant to be really hardcore, very expensive and just lots of boring walking. Our trail on the other hand, involves white water rafting, zip lining, hot springs, mountain biking, jungle hiking and waterfalls! We are both excited about it and will be setting off tomorrow for 4 days culminating in Macchu Pichu. We have just had a lovely tea of chips cheese and curry in the Wild rover and are going to get an early night as our tour starts at 7 tomorrow!

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