Tuesday 15 November 2011

Rurrenabaque (a few more days in the Amazon)

When we got back from our pampas tour we went to book a flight back to la Paz and realised that everything was booked out until Tuesday so we were going to have to hang about in in Rurrenabaque for a while – what a shame! Rurre is a gorgeous, laid back little jungle village on the river and the hotel we were staying in was only £3.50 a night for a private room. 

Chill out area in our hotel garden
It was a really idyllic place to relax for a while. We spent the next couple of days chilling out and meeting up with people at night for dinner in one of the lovely little restaurants where we never paid more than £4 per head. It was like being on holiday. In the morning we would have a lie in, take a shower then head for breakfast at the little cafe round the corner that did massive breakfasts (scrambled egg, muffins, fresh orange juice, hot chocolate and chocolate pancakes for just £2!). The we would wander around the little stalls, have another shower to cool off and go to the local pool in one of the hotels. One night we met up with the Swiss and German couple off our tour and went for 2 for 1 cocktails in the bars (everywhere had happy hours every night). It was great to speak German again. Another night we bumped into the Irish girls off our salt flats tour and went for drinks with them. One night we were having an amazing dinner of fish (I don’t usually like fish but this was fantastic) and we bumped into a Belgian girl who we had met in el Calafate right at the southern tip of Argentina – we are all on the same gringo trail. On our last day in Rurre, we got a motorbike taxi to the top of the big hill where there was a big swimming pool with a chill out area and amazing views over the town. I absolutely loved Rurre, it was so relaxing and hot (apart from the day we left when there was a big downpour).

Jemma with a coconut I plucked from a tree
I would definitely say it was one of my best parts of this trip so far. However, we are now both absolutely covered in mozzie bites, despite having coated ourselves in 100% deet every night and using mosquito nets!
Now we are back in miserable la Paz and hope to catch a bus out of here tomorrow to go to lake Titicaca where we will spend a few days before crossing over into Peru :)

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