Thursday 31 May 2012

Pai: Team China is formed

Beautiful scenery

We set off for a bike ride on a very hot and sunny morning with John from Ireland and it was a scorcher. Jemma and I hired cheapo bikes with only 3 gears (they cost us £1 for the whole day, can't complain), except I was complaining, half way up the first hill, when my lowest gear was 3 and my legs couldn't turn the pedals. Still it was amazing fun, and for every hill we had to push the bikes up, there was another long hill to free wheel down, with the wind in our hair, cooling down our dripping wet bodies and the amazing green mountains all around us. We stopped half way at a view point, with psychedelic swings and chairs and amazing views over the hills. The ride was 8km in total (to get to the waterfalls) and when we got to 6km, I was so exhausted, thirsty (having drank my whole 2 litres of water) and weak, I couldn't pedal any more. What a pleasant surprise it was then, to stumble upon a little farm, in the middle of nowhere, with a sign saying 'stop here for fresh juice and fruit'. 

Boiling hot and served fresh iced juice!
A man waved us over and we stopped, unable to cycle any more. We sat down at a little table in front of a quaint little farm, where we were served as much iced red sorrel juice as we could drink (reminded me of Ribena ice lollies I used to have as a child). He also served us passion fruits, tamarind and potatoes with jam and peanuts. It was so refreshing! I was literally dripping in sweat, on the verge of collapsing, and this lovely local Thai man and his wife were waiting on us, topping up my glass with fresh iced juice every time I finished a cup. At the end they even produced a bottle of red sherry and insisted we all have a taste! And all they asked for was a tip, the amount being at our discretion. We gave him a £2 tip and he was over the moon, telling us to come back after we had visited the waterfalls, which he encouragingly told us were only 1km further away. Revitalised and pumped full of fruit juice, we cycled on along the mountain path until we finally heard the sounds of running water. Jemma and John had gone on ahead (because I don't like going down hills fast) and as I was coming down the last hill to the waterfall, a friendly Dutch girl came past me on a moped and asked if I wanted a lift. She was looking for the waterfalls too and I told her they were just down the hill. Once at the bottom, I saw Jemma and John already in the water, having dumped their bikes and run straight for the river. We chained all of our bikes up and climbed the steps to the top tier, where we saw a massive waterfall coming down from a canyon, with not many people around. 

Jemma and John cooling themselves
We all rushed in and cooled ourselves underneath it, and then I got out and sat on the rocks and got chatting to the Dutch girl (Nicole) and a Brazilian girl (Danielle). Jemma came out and then slipped on the rocks and fell back in, which everyone found amusing (apart from me because I didn't see it). When we had all dried off, Nicole let me and Jemma have a little go on her scooter and told us that we must hire one because they were so much fun. Jemma and I have avoided mopeds like the plague this trip, after meeting far too many people who have had accidents – I just don't feel it is worth the risk. However Nicole insisted that they were quite easy to ride and as long as you went slow and weren't drunk, they were fine. I must admit, it was nice to ride on (for the 6 metres I went on it), but I was still too scared to hire one, even though Jemma really wanted to hire them (they cost £2 to hire for 24hours! That's £1 more than the pedal bikes cost us!). Nicole told us that she was meeting with another Dutch girl that night for dinner, along with Dani, the Brazilian girl and an Aussie boy. I asked if we could join them and we agreed to meet at 7pm outside the bike shop. By this time it was about 3pm, so we'd have to get our move on to get back to Pai in time to shower and make it out for tea. Thankfully the 8km ride home was a lot easier than the ride there and we stopped at our little farm on the way back, where we didn't even have to get off our bikes: they brought the iced drinks to us until we had quenched our thirst! The ride home was mainly downhill, and we got home In time to have a shower, before heading out to meet our group. We all met outside the bike shop. First there was me, Jemma and Nicole from Holland, and then there was Inge, a Dutch girl Nicole had met earlier that day, accompanied by Andre, an Aussie guy Inge had met the previous day, Dani, a Brazilian girl, Nicole had met at the falls and finally John, the Irish boy we had picked up on the bus to Pai., who completed team China, our first proper unenforced team of friends on our rtw trip.

Team China (left to right): Nicole, John, Inge, Andre, Dani

For more photos of the first 2 days in Pai: Pai

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