Sunday 20 May 2012

More Bangkok, Bangkok, Bangk....that's enough for now, time to move on from this city

River boat through BKK

The next few days in Bangkok consisted of lots of shopping (we bought new vests for £2 with things like Chang beer on them). We went round the weekend markets, went to the MBK centre more times than I can remember and also went to see a movie at the Cinema there (American Pie the reunion). This was an interesting experience, because at the start of a film in Thailand, everyone in the Cinema has to stand for about 3 minutes, whilst they play a film of the King, documenting his life, from birth until now. Its extremely patriotic. On our third night in Bangkok (the night after we had been on a heavy night out), we let the boys talk us into going out again, but this time we went to Soi Cowboy, on the insistence of the annoying Texan, who had read about it in a guide book and said that it was a must-do. We ended up in a go-go bar, packed with teenage Thai girls writhing all over old, obese Western men. We really didn't fit in, so the three of us girls (me, Jemma and an Ozzie girl) got a taxi back to the hostel. The boys stayed out and ended up doing the same again the next night and spending a lot of money on the Thai women. My impression of them went down quite a lot, not that I had ever had the best impression of the Texan guy anyway. The next day Jemma and I went on a boat ride around the main sights and we also visited another shopping mall called Terminal 21, which is a brand new mall, with an airport theme, where each level assumes the identity of a different city. They have Rome, Paris, Tokyo, London, Istanbul and the Carribean! 

The London section of the Mall (Terminal 21)
It was awesome! We spent the whole time taking photos, and were delighted to find an extremely cheap food court on the top level (San Francisco), where we got a meal for 60p. There were quite a few things we missed out in BKK but we intend to do them on our way back round. By the end of our 6 days, we were both ready to leave and were looking forward to the more cultural and less seedy experiences that awaited us in Kanchanaburi.

Photos: Bangkok photos

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