Sunday 6 May 2012

Koh Tao day 2 – an amazing day. This is what round the world trips are all about!

On our second day on Koh Tao, we got up at 7.00, checked out and got a taxi to the main town where the diving shop was. We told the woman (Jemma's brother's friend), that I'd decided against diving, but that Jemma would still do an intro dive. We had breakfast in the cafe attached to the shop (best breakfast ever – 'super beans on toast' = toast, topped with crispy bacon, cheese, beans and Worcester sauce!) 
Breakfast of kings
and then Jemma got kitted up and went out for her dive whist I went out to look for new accommodation closer to the main town. After looking at a few places for £5 each a night, I settled on a 'cottage' by the beach for £3.50 a night. Very basic (you have to flush the toilet by tipping a bucket of water down it), with a fan, not air-con, but excellent location and no bedbugs – we were happy! After an hour and a half, I went back to the Goodtime Adventures office to meet Jemma after her dive. It was a really hot day and I couldn't wait to get in the sea to cool down. We decided to go on a trip in the afternoon with Goodtime Adventures, starting at 1pm, so we went back to our cottage, got creamed up and then came back to the office where we joined a small group of 6 other people. They gave us all flippers and snorkels and then we got onto a little speed boat with a boat master, diving instructor and climbing instructor and we had the most spectacular boat ride around the island, where they pointed out all the main spots, and even some of the other islands in the distance (Koh Samui and Koh Phagnan). After a while, we stopped at a snorkelling spot that was beautifully clear and the sea was gorgeous. We all jumped in and snorkelled for a while, seeing such an amazing variety of fish. One guy on the boat was having a diving lesson with the dive instructor at the same time. They told us nothing was dangerous, but that we might see reef sharks, which aren't dangerous, and also trigger fish which can chase and bite you sometimes but you just have to swim out of their territory and they leave you alone. After snorkelling, we all climbed back into the boat and sped along to another spot where we did cliff diving!

It was fantastic! The water was so refreshing and turquoise. The climbing instructor showed us how to climb up the rocks and we then got to jump off cliffs of 3metres, 9m and 12m. I was the last one to jump off the 3m because I found it hard to climb up the rocks (it was quite scary, often having to jump across gorges to get to the diving rocks). I was too scared to jump off the 3m (it doesn't sound that high, but when you're on top of a rock looking into the sea it is!) One girl couldn't do it and simply couldn't bring herself to jump. She spent the whole time on the edge fretting, with her boyfriend trying to coax her off. I went eventually, telling myself it wasn't even as high as a high diving board. It was fine, except for a little water up the nose.

The sea
 We then moved onto the 9m, which was a lot scarier, but I did it. I could really feel myself falling for a long time and screamed mid-air. I had a lot of water up the nose that time and clapped my teeth together slightly, which consequently made me think it might not be a good idea to do the 12. Jemma and all the others did the 12m (apart from myself and 2 other girls) and most people who did it said it hurt in some way, so I'm glad I didn't do it in the end. Jemma said she did the splits in the water as she hit the surface and the sea forced her legs into the splits which really hurt her hips. Some people did dives and somersaults, and in the end, as the boat was getting ready to leave, the girl who had been on the edge of the 3m, by now for over and hour, was finally coaxed down by the diving instructor and everybody clapped. It was an amazing experience, I'm really glad we did it and I would highly recommend it!

Iced coke with the sunset
After the cliff diving, we did some more snorkelling in an area renowned for sharks, and to our delight, we saw 5 sharks! 
We were so happy, it really rounded off our amazing day! We then got the speedboat back to the office on the beach and all had a complimentary beer/ coke whilst watching the sunset on the beach. It was a brilliant day. Once we'd had our drinks, we went back to the bungalow to get showered and go out for tea with Lisa in the town. As we were walking to the restaurant, we bumped into the Chinese guy, Tony who we spent time with in Penang and Langkawi. We invited him out for dinner with us and we had yummy Thai curry. It was the perfect end to the perfect Round the World day!

The sunset 

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