Tuesday 3 July 2012

Night buses in Vietnam (rant!)

After taking several night buses in Vietnam, I can confir that they are the WORST way to travel over night. I NEVER want to take another Vietnamese nightbus every again in my life. They are bumpy, noisy, the driver honks his horn every 2 seconds for no apparent reason, they force you to go to the seats at the back of the bus near the stinking toilet because you are Western, the toilets are disgusting and don't lock so you have to hold them shut whilst squatting. The seats though are th worst part: they are filthy – probably never been cleaned since they were made, the curtain next to you is rotting, the seats are lying down ones, which sounds great, but its not, because they are too small, and you have a filthy little metal box at the bottom to put your bag and feet in. Then you have a grotty hard pillow, and you have to lie there, packed in, with other travellers either side and below you (we were always forced onto the top bunks so the locals could have the bottom ones and the top ones are the worst for swaying and the bus has no suspension whatsoever). It is impossible to sleep. The last night bus we took, I slept about 1 hour out of 12. I honestly can't stress enough how much I hated them and I'm so glad I never have to do another one!!

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