Wednesday 7 March 2012


We are now in Cairns, in a hostel that is half the price of anything we have seen in Australia so far, and we have FREE INTERNET!! The weather here is sweltering and very humid. We are here for 4 days. We have booked a trip to the Great Barrier Reef for Friday and then on Sunday we fly to Singapore! Finally I will be reunited with my beloved Asia after 18 years!! I am so excited. I can't wait to see Singapore again after all this time, to visit the Hawker centres and walk amongst the sky scrapers. Then, after a few days there, its off to Japan! It has been a life long dream of mine to visit Tokyo and I cannot wait. For now though, we are relaxing in the lovely, humid, cheap north of Australia. From what I have seen of Cairns so far, I really like it, especially the Esplanade and the fruit bat trees. We are off now for our free meal that is included in the hostel. I can't get over how much cheaper it is here than down south.

The wonderful free public swimming pool that overlooks the sea 

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