Monday 3 October 2011

Montevideo day 2

Montevideo really is a pretty bleak place. We walked the length and breadth of the city today, trying to find something worth seeing but in the end, the highlight was eating a burrito at a Californian chain store. The lowlight was a bird pooing on Jemma's head. The hostel hasn't done much to improve our impressions of the city - there is currently a small family living here who ate all of the breakfast before we got up and generally ruin the hostel vibe. Tomorrow we catch the ferry for Buenos Aires where we will be staying in the renowned party hostel, Milhouse Avenue :)

P.S. I have now enabled commenting on this blog so anyone should be able to comment, even if you don't have an account

We have seen many cars like this in Uruguay
City centre

More photos of Montevideo and Floripa HERE

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